

Personal Assistant





Love, Bonito






Marc Jacobs




Yves Saint Laurent

What are your hobbies?

I write fiction, like novels. It’s like a side project I’m working on.

How did you pick up writing as a hobby?

From secondary school—creative writing and English classes. It’s something to just get out of the real world; it’s something I enjoy. And I read a lot, so it comes from there—reading other peoples’ work, you’d want to make your own as well, so that’s where the passion came from.

Do you have any books you’d like to recommend?

For fiction, I’d recommend City of Bones, from the Mortal Instruments series. There was a movie about it but it doesn’t really do it justice. I’m not a non-fiction fan, so Mortal Instruments is my favourite. That’s my favourite childhood series.

Three people who have inspired me in everything that I do:

Rick, my boss, for his ‘work hard, play hard’ attitude towards life, and for his infinite patience. Cassandra Clare, my all-time favourite author, for having the ability to create worlds for people like me to escape to. And finally, Jenn Im, my favourite YouTuber, for inspiring us Asians to be better than who we are, and to constantly work on ourselves.

What’s the one thing you think you should be doing more of, or that you wish you had more time to be doing?

Writing and working on all the ideas in my head that have yet to see the light!

If you could say something to your younger self, what would you say?

Always react in a way that allows you to be blameless.

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