A Soft Glow


Freelance Assistant




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Tell us more about what you do for work. Of all industries, why fashion?
I’m a freelance assistant at Barehands, a local fashion brand.

To be honest, I stumbled upon the fashion industry by chance. After quitting my corporate job, I spent the whole of last year doing odd jobs just to figure out what my next step would be. This was also when a friend asked me to model for her local Indian fashion company. After that, I also helped her with marketing and operations.

Through this, I discovered that there are so many local brands in the market, which really inspired me because Singapore is not necessarily known as a place that cultivates creativity. That was when I realised that helping local brands to grow is something that I wanted to do moving forward.

How would you describe your own sense of style?
I’d say it’s ever-evolving because I’m still in the process of discovering my style. Currently, I like to strike a balance between edgy and feminine looks.

One thing I’m trying to do more of is to bring my Indian culture and identity into my daily wear. When I was very young, I stopped wearing the pottu (coloured dot on the forehead) as I thought it was embarrassing, So now I really want to embrace that side of me a little more.

I also recently discovered this blue and gold pairing that I currently have on. I got my necklace many years ago, but have never worn it until now. I think it’s a really good combination!

What is beauty to you?
Beauty comes from the heart. I guess the politically correct answer is that everybody is beautiful, but I think regardless of how you look, if you have a good heart and are beautiful on the inside, it will radiate and show in your outer self as well.

Is there anything you’re working towards at the moment?
This is going to get so deep so quickly, but I’ve been very focused on self-healing since I started going for counselling sessions in 2018. Now, I see it as part of a healthy lifestyle and trying to be a better version of myself, rather than an aim to fix myself.

What’re some steps that you’re taking in your journey of self-care?
Other than going for counselling, I journal a lot and am trying to meditate more too. I’m always reflecting what I’ve done wrong or right, and things I’m grateful for.

In the past, I tended to push my negative feelings aside. But now, I’ll take time to process my emotions and remind myself that sadness and anger deserve my time and energy as much as happiness does.

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