Deep Blue
















Introduce yourself!
I’m Yu. I’m a first year student at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), studying design practice. I’ve only just started school, but I’m already super busy!

Are you enjoying school so far?
I just think it’s pretty refreshing to start learning stuff again after going through National Service. It’s been pretty fun, and I like that I get to create things. But my brain is fried now as I was in school since 9AM for lectures.

Is design something that you’ve always been interested in? 
Yeah, I studied urban design in polytechnic. Now I’m veering into spatial design—it’s kind of like architecture and interior design, sort of. I’m lowkey considering this as a career in the future, but I don’t know for sure.

I guess I started to get interested in spatial design because I played too much Minecraft when I was a kid (laughs). Sadly, school’s been keeping me very busy so I don’t get to game as much nowadays.

Apart from Minecraft, are there any other games that you enjoy playing? 
I play Sky: Children of the Light—that was my pandemic comfort game. Aside from that, I don’t really play a lot of games. I tried playing Call of Duty, but I’m terrible at shooter games. And, I have to add, I’ve never touched Valorant—it’s my biggest flex. Yippee!

Is there a dream project that you’d like to work on?
I don’t know… As long as there is money, I’m happy. But thinking about it, I do want to design an aquarium or something. I love aquariums, bro. I love marine life and marine biology. My favourite animal is the IKEA shark—just kidding! I think hammerhead sharks are pretty cool. And jellyfish too!

Outside of design and gaming, what else do you enjoy doing? 
Honestly, I like to just go into my room, draw the curtains, sit on my bed, and doomscroll on Tiktok and Twitter. I go outside occasionally, but that’s about it. I’m a certified homebody.

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