Free Flying


Assistant Artiste Manager







Cotton On




Flea Market








Tell us what’s happening in your life right now.
I’m currently working at a talent management agency for actors, singers, performers, and influencers. I actually just started, but so far I’d say that this the path I see myself going down after graduating.

What sparked this interest?
I’m studying fashion now, but I’ve never really seen myself pursuing this as a career. I want to preserve fashion as something I can appreciate and treat as a hobby instead.

By going into talent management, I can still experience a lot of things like fashion events, and open up my eyes to the fashion world while having a more stable job.

And how did you get into fashion?
My mum has been working in fashion for years, and when I was younger, she would alter adult-sized clothes from the place she was working at to fit me. I think this was a huge influence on me.

But because she’s in fashion, she discouraged me from heading down the same path, and I understand why. There are a lot of things about the industry that I was able to pick up on and understand because my mum experienced it herself. But I wanted to challenge that and give it a go myself instead of just succumbing and studying something more mainstream.

How would you describe your style?
When I was younger, there were terms thrown at me that were a bit more mean than “different” or “weird”.

People used to always say condescendingly that I treat school like a fashion show, and as I grew up, even my lecturers would notice that I’d wear something new every day, so I would say I’m quite experimental. Every day I’m dressed in a different outfit, in a different style.

Do you have a favourite piece in your wardrobe?
Not really. I don’t have any specific craftsman that I look for, but I do collect clothes, like batik pieces for example. As long as I like the piece, I will just get it.

The one brand that I do look out for is Bebe because my mum used to wear a lot of their pieces. It’s not an expensive brand, so I don’t know why people are selling it at $70 a pop nowadays, but whenever I see a decently priced one, I’ll buy it and keep it in my collection.

Is there a quote or any value that you live by?
Whenever people ask me about my life motto, I always say, “I want to be sexy, free, and single.” That’s all, that’s my life motto!

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