Vanz /“My dream is to own an art gallery to provide more representation for ASEAN artists and make art more accessible to the general public. We could really learn from the inclusivity and warmth of the art scene in Melbourne, where I’m currently studying.” -
Warmth And Light
Fanya /“My resolution for 2024 is to make more money so I can travel wherever I want! I love tropical beaches, so I’d like to go to Hawaii or the Maldives. I also travel a lot within my home country, Indonesia—Pulau Komodo in Nusa Tenggara is great for pretty beaches.” -
Unpaved Roads
Andrea /“To me, the perfect way to relax is just spending whatever down time I have with my friends, having conversations, and not doing anything in particular. My friends are my chosen family, so it’s always nice to have them around.” -
With The Wind
Guan Ming /“I started collecting bird feathers a few years back when I found a huge feather in a park—it was so beautiful with its intricate lining, and I just felt a connection with it, so since then, I’ve been looking out for fallen feathers on my walks in the park.” -
Virginie /“I work at AS'FALL, a fashion boutique along Haji Lane! I love the warmth and soul of the place, and of the people too. When I first joined the company, I didn’t even need to be introduced to anyone as I was quickly able to become acquainted with our neighbours.” -
Shentonista Soundspace — Count Vernon
Count Vernon /“Man, I just wanna play more shows—your kids’ birthday party, a wedding, or even a hardcore show, I'm always down!” -
Earthly Transcience
Astou /“I’ve been traveling and living around the world for 22 years now, but the one place that has remained in my heart is Cuba, where I lived for six years. The country itself is beautiful, but the people that I met is what makes the country so special to me.” -
With The Seasons
Shiqin /“When I graduate, I want to open my own studio. Last semester, in fashion school, I created different patterns and printed them onto fabric and really enjoyed it, so I’ve decided that I want to start a studio to sell textiles that I design.” -
A Tender Garden
Saoirse /“I’m on a journey of self-love this year, and am looking forward to finding love within myself. It’s something I’ve been lacking for quite a while now, so I’m excited to heal and see what the year has in store for me, and how I’ll handle it all.” -
Shentonista Soundspace — Carpet Golf
Carpet Golf /"Our songs are so short because we're usually only satisfied with the first minute of the song, so we thought we'd just leave it at that." -
Peace Of Mind
Hannah /“I love reading, watching films, collecting trinkets, and visiting art exhibitions—basically anything that I’m able to do on my own. I enjoy having time to myself, it’s very therapeutic and also flexible for me as I can explore and go at my own pace.”