“I love going out and spending time with myself. It’s very satisfying because I get to witness the scenery around me and observe how people act and go about their day.”
“Something that I want to do more of this year is to actually have a creative life outside of work. It would be nice to work on something purely for the fun of it.”
“The Lion King is my favourite movie of all time. I used to come back home from primary school every day and watch the movie through once before doing anything else.”
“I used to read a lot of manga and watch a lot of anime, and it fascinated me because of the detail in the characters’ costumes. This was how I became interested in fashion.”
"Our generation is very fast-paced, especially for us 20-25 year-olds. We just feel like we must achieve something before we turn 30, and that’s so tiring.”
“I love listening to music and recently attended Fujii Kaze’s concert in Singapore. It was very crowded! I also enjoy going for music festivals like Fuji Rock back in Japan.”
“I’m creating a multi-purpose scarf inspired by the Korean wrapping cloth bojagi. People haven’t explored its use as a fashion accessory, which is what I’m trying to do.”
“Outside of music, I really love fashion. I love indulging in it and studying different brands, learning about their ethos and the way they construct their garments.”
“A lot of people don’t know this, but most bees don’t sting you—they’re really harmless! There are also blue bees (known as blue-banded bees) that exist!”
“If I don’t dress up, I don’t feel confident. So I started to dress up more and found that it isn’t about wearing expensive brands, but about knowing how to mix and match.”
“I was working day and night as a wedding coordinator, but my favourite part about the job was getting to take home the leftover fresh flowers at the end of each wedding.”
“I like collecting home decor, particularly vintage Japanese ones. They remind you that even objects that are damaged or incomplete are still perfect in their own sense.”