Tongue Twister
Lynn /“It’s not a superpower, but I’d like to be able to not let my emotions show as easily—it’d be a valuable tool for workplace survival.” -
Easy Escape
Celestine /“I’m from the Philippines, and besides my family and friends, I miss having easy access to the beach. If you want to leave the city, you can just go on a road trip and be close to nature.” -
A Safe Bet
Loraine /“Working in insurance has taught me to always get myself covered—it’s especially important for young people, since we think that we’ll never need insurance.” -
Shapes And Signs
Jennifer /“I’d like people to be more considerate, and to be more critical of ourselves before we judge others.” -
Other Worlds
Jaya /“I’m a self-confessed procrastinator who often lives in multiple imaginary worlds, so I’d love an infinite supply of time so that my procrastination doesn't bite me in reality.” -
A Clear Chill
Luca /“Some of my favourite Singlish phrases are “can, can”, “wait lah”, and “alamak”!” -
Phoebe /“I like that getting things done here is convenient and that people are straightforward. In Beijing you have to deal with a lot of bureaucracy and inefficient processes, and it can be very frustrating.” -
Young And Free
Isabelle /“If I could change one thing about my past, I would have given up plastics a long time ago.”