Golden Glow


Content Creator






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Louis Vuitton



Tell us more about how and when you first decided to become a content creator!
I started when I was a lot younger. It was during my O-Levels, and I didn’t want to take or study for my exams, so I was like, “You know what? Let me just create some content on TikTok.” One thing led to another, and it became a thing—people started liking my videos, and here I am today!

I started creating beauty content full-time, and now I’m part of the Sephora Squad, creating makeup content and all that.

We love that for you! What’s the most difficult part of the job?
Managing my time, honestly, because social media is a 24-hour game. You’ve always got to be on the ball when it comes to content. If notion you’ll become irrelevant, and that’s not what you want as a content creator, especially if you’re doing it full-time like I am.

Yeah, the social media algorithm can be brutal. What are some of your goals for this year as a full-time content creator?
Hopefully to save up enough money so that I can buy my own house, and to keep trying new things.

Exciting! What would you say is your biggest accomplishment last year?
I started my own agency with another influencer, Dewy Choo, and now we’ve closed a few big clients, so I’m really proud of that!

Here’s to bigger and better things this year! One last question: what do you enjoy most about the job?
Making people smile. Whenever people come up to me to tell me that my videos have made them laugh, or that they’ve learned something from my makeup tips, it just makes me feel so good.

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