

Retail Assistant



Kind Wear Tokyo





Coin Pouch

Devil's Play Craft




Deal Design Japan





Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Andy, I’m 24 this year, and I like to watch anime and read manga. I like music too, and I’m currently quite into hardcore punk.

Actually, I like a lot of things that I can’t really pinpoint (laughs). But I’m really easygoing as a person—I don’t really tend to do too much and prefer staying on the down low.

Do you have any favourite bands or artists in particular?
I’ve been to a lot of gigs recently, so I’ve got to shout out Cactus Cactus and Blush! I’m still getting into the local scene because usually I’m more into overseas bands, but I’m trying to support local, you know? Shout out to the Singaporean artists out there!

Are you currently studying? 
No, I’ve finished studying and am done with all my army days. So right now, I’m pretty much just chilling and working until I figure out what I really want to do.

That said, I’m open to working any job because I feel like I have the interpersonal skills required to talk to people, which is why I enjoy working in retail. I’d love to try my hand at bartending too because of the aspect of communication that comes with the job. Although I worry that I won’t remember how to make specific drinks because I have short-term memory (laughs).

Tell us more about your current job.
I’m currently working part time at Rookies Store, a curated secondhand apparel store at Excelsior Shopping Centre. I’ve been here for a year or so now.

I’ve been collecting vintage t-shirts for a while now, so when I chanced upon Rookies, I decided to just give it a shot. I walked in, bought something, and asked the boss, “Hey, are you guys hiring?” He said no, but told me that if they were, he’ll keep me updated. One day, the message came through, and that’s how I got here.

What do you like to do when you’re not at the store?
Usually on my day off, I tend to watch anime or YouTube videos and read manga. Or I go out to coffee spots just to grab a drink, chill, and contemplate life. But I also do enjoy going out to shop, trying on different things, and exploring Singapore.

Just the other day, I wandered into a coffee house called Hideout. I had a great time talking to a random couple with a kid sitting at the table beside mine.

How would you describe your style?
I’m more edgy, punkish in a way, and I like to wear black, if you can’t already tell . I also take inspiration from visual kei bands, which are Japanese bands with extravagant stage costumes, so I usually dress in that style. And because I also like vintage apparel, I mix in vintage shirts and a pair of nice boots.

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