A Stone’s Throw









Studio Karyn Lim

What do you enjoy most about being an architect?
Despite the bad rep the industry has which stems from truth (laughs), I really enjoy designing for people. It feels very fulfilling and feeds into my creativity.

Tell us more about what you’re currently working on!
I’m working on a residential house somewhere in Bukit Timah. It’s my favourite project to date because we’re using creating a special design that we’ve never tried before. It’s going to be really nice!

How would you describe yourself as an architect?
I guess I’m one who’s willing to explore new materials and textures. I also think that concepts are very important, and I like designs that have a narrative behind them.

What’re some materials you like to work with?
I like materials that have some tactility to them, such as rough stones and terracotta.

Many people in Singapore prefer materials that are easier to clean, and while I totally agree in prioritising functionality, I also don’t mind a bit of dust (laughs). I don’t mind cleaning so even for my own home, I tend to gravitate towards textures that allow me to be more creative.

How do you stay creative outside of work?
I love pottery and run a small pottery account with my husband, who’s a musician. We sell small batch ceramics from time to time—check us out @fieldpottery!

Tell us how you met your husband. We hear it’s quite the story!
Oh! A mutual friend actually hosted a party for us to meet. She was really sweet and even invited 12 other people along so we wouldn’t feel awkward, which was a nice thought.

And she nailed it! The second I met my husband, I knew that we would click. Even now that we’re married, life together has been super easy because our personalities are so compatible. That’s something I appreciate a lot.

How do you like to spend time together as a couple?
We love going to East Coast Park. We’ll set up our field chairs and sometimes read, listen to music, or literally do nothing, which is quite shiok! (laughs) Most of the time though, we like to invite our friends along to hang out and do some cooking outdoors.

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