Winding Roads

You’ve just finished your National Service (NS)! Can you tell us what that was like for you?
My time in NS was quite fulfilling! I was fortunate to cross paths with superiors and peers who were genuinely supportive.

To give some context, I provided media support to battalions and the National Day Parade (NDP), alongside handling clerical duties in my main unit. My team was always understanding, especially when I couldn’t be present due to other commitments. We still catch up over dinner occasionally, and I hope we can keep that bond strong moving forward!

So what are your plans now?
Since completing my NS, I’ve joined UNIFORM, a content and communications studio, as a junior creative. On the side, I’m also eager to release an EP with my partner, Adri, and continue developing our curated archival, vintage, and runway garment store, Upstairs Garments. Both projects are close to my heart, and I’m excited to see where they lead.

Tell us more about the EP. How did this start?
I’ve recently gotten into DJing—I grew up on ambient music, and now I’m creatively exploring storytelling through melodic soundscapes. This new project was partly inspired by Adri, who not only makes ambient music, but also spins. I’m looking forward to joining an open deck session once I’ve curated my tracklist.

When we last spoke, you talked about pursuing a fashion degree. Is this something that you still want to do?
Absolutely! I’m still a firm believer in lifelong learning and academia. I might pursue it once I’m in a more stable financial position, but it’s definitely still on my mind.

Experience and having a community in certain interests can help young people grow and develop their passions. As someone exploring different paths and opportunities, what is one thing that you wish was more accessible in Singapore?
I believe the key to thriving communities lies in greater public receptiveness and respect. Often, it’s not a lack of passion or talent that hinders growth, but the barriers of misunderstanding and resistance from those outside the community. If there were more openness and support, these communities could not only thrive, but also contribute in significant ways to the broader society. For creativity and innovation to truly flourish, we need to cultivate an environment that is welcoming, inclusive, and encouraging of diverse interests and passions.

I feel that there’s a lot of judgment and preconceived notions, especially when it comes to being comfortable in clothes that represent you. At the end of the day, it’s just clothes! Let people wear whatever they want!

Vegas was previously seen here.

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