All The Right Moves


Digital Marketing




How did you begin doing what you’re doing today?
I actually studied psychology so I didn’t expect myself to get into marketing. I was a fresh graduate then, and I had many options. I thought marketing was fun and that it was interesting to communicate a brand’s identity in terms of products and new arrivals and eventually converting people to like the brand.

What’s something interesting you’ve learnt from studying psychology?
There’s this thing called the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. Once you believe in something, you’ll behave in a way that reinforces your beliefs. If you believe that you can achieve something, you can do something. It’s like positive reinforcement.

If you could do anything other than what you’re doing right now, what would you choose and why?
I thought about going into counselling as I enjoy talking to people and listening to what they’re going through in their lives. I’d like to help people but it’s difficult as you need to have a Masters to do this and I currently don’t plan to pursue one.

If you could you be anything at all in your next life, what would you be and why?
I want to be a unicorn. It’s magical, pleasant, and just has good vibes all around.

Something interesting about me:
I dance in my free time—street-style. I think the most memorable experience I had was when I went with my dance crew to Las Vegas for a competition. It was a worldwide hip-hop competition and we got to dance alongside big dance powerhouses like Royal Family—the crew that danced with Justin Bieber. It was an interesting experience especially for someone from the little red dot—it was a dream come true, lah!

Best decision I’ve ever made:
I guess it’ll be getting into dancing. It changed my personality a lot, as well as my views on life. It formed my core values as a person.

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