Bass Line


Brand partnership manager





Common Projects



Tell us something not many people know about you:
Maybe it’s because of Asian parenting, but I picked up ballet when I was seven, and went on dancing for the next 10 years. I also started learning to play the piano at the same age and kept at it for nine years.

What’s the most memorable travel experience you’ve had so far?
I spent a month in Kenya back in my university days, and stayed in an orphanage and spent time with the most wonderful, pure, and bright-eyed children. The orphanage was on a hilltop with no connection to the outside world, and we helped to build a school. Even though we taught them financial literacy and English during our time there, I ended up learning and receiving so much more from them than I could ever give.

What’s one trend, fashion or otherwise, that should never have been popular in the first place?
Crocs—no. Just no.

What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn, but never had the chance to?
To play the cello or double bass—there’s something so sexy about those low tones!

What’s something silly or untrue that you used to believe as a child?
When I was much younger, my folks used to ditch me at home when going out on dates, and they’d always tell me they had to go out ‘to buy a fax machine’. Somehow we only ever had one fax machine at home, and it took me a few years to figure out it was a lie.

What was your dream job growing up?
To design my own clothes and run a fashion line, or to be a singer in a jazz band. But I can’t sing at all, so I guess that’s out.

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