Deep Roots



You started out as a photographer/stylist before deciding to set up your own studio—what motivated you to make this decision?
I wanted to make my hobby become a part of my career. After gaining experience as a photographer and stylist, I took a leap of faith to turn it into my business so I could have ownership of something I’m passionate about.

Share with us an important lesson you learnt from running your own business:
I learnt that while it is important to understand the needs of your clients, it’s crucial to stick to your business fundamentals regardless of the challenges that come your way.

In the past two years of running my own business, I’ve also learnt that consumers in Singapore are not quality conscious. So it was critical for me to uphold the necessary high standards of my work while still keeping my services reasonably priced.

You previously shared with us that you’re from Mongolia: how do you think your relationship with your birth country has changed over the years? 
I now have better appreciation for the culture and slower pace of life in Mongolia as compared to the fast-paced life in a cosmopolitan and developed country like Singapore. I also appreciate the vast land and space in Mongolia where we could drive out to the countryside over the weekend to explore numerous spots of nature.

Since we last spoke, do you find that your sense of style has changed?
I find myself enjoying a much simpler style with a minimal vibe to it. I also tend to lean towards more earthy tones and natural breathable fabrics such as cotton and silk. I believe the implementation of the Circuit Breaker had an influence as we were all unable to go out or dress up for events.

Covid-19 has not been the most smooth-sailing period—what are some fears or concerns you have for the future? 
COVID-19 has created a new norm for all of us with social distancing measures being put in place, resulting in a limitation of contact and interaction between people. This has affected the nature of how projects are carried out and might impact the availability of jobs for us creatives in the future. I also fear that overseas-based business opportunities will be severely diminished and that the overall scale of projects will become smaller.

Do you practice any self-care habits or routines?
I have been exercising a lot more frequently and spending time to read and meditate.  I recently invested in a private gym membership where personalised classes are conducted and I have access to a wide variety of equipment. I find this more effective for me as compared to exercising alone at home watching videos, where there is no personal guidance.

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