


“These are my pyjamas, honest!” Ashley says. “I woke up not too long before, I was just going to order take-out with my dad and go right home.” Although Ashley says she sometimes wishes she had a dress code “to keep her sanity in check”, we’re glad she doesn’t, and we love her offbeat, quirky sense of style and the fact that she isn’t afraid to be herself. “My friends call it ‘granny-style’, and it’s pretty difficult to disagree, fortunately or unfortunately,” she says. “My parents are hesitantly open to my style, but they don’t really have a choice anyway!” Ashley has had green hair since 2014, and says that her style is a mix of different things. She’s currently on a gap year break in Singapore, but will soon be leaving to study Archeology in London. “I’ve always like to find things,” she says, and perhaps that’s also where her love of thrifting comes from. Besides archeology, Ashley also makes her own films and does film photography. “I like the unexpected quality of the shots,” she says. “I guess it’s also about keeping things old school.” For now, she’s enjoying her time off. “I’m definitely liking the bumming around, walking around, and discovering this city,” she says. “I firmly believe it’s important to enjoy your time as a bum. #YOBO.”

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