Flying Colours





Love, Bonito






Chrono Collection



What’s something you wish you had more time for in life?
I don’t wish for more time for myself but wish for more time for my sons to enjoy their childhood. Education in Singapore can be quite stressful.

Something that surprised you the most about your occupation when you first joined is:
I’m part of the administration team for Great Eastern—it was surprising to find that most of my colleagues are younger than me, though I’m not very old yet! (laughs)

What’s the biggest change you’ve undergone recently?
I managed to shed 8kg, which helped me to reach a figure that I have not seen since I was a teenager!

Share with us an interesting fact about yourself that many people might not know.
I used to play basketball in school and was in the starting lineup.

Given the choice, would you choose to explore outer space or the deep sea?
I wouldn’t choose either of them! I feel outer space is too empty and the deep sea will be scary if I met sharks or killer whales. I still prefer being on the ground!

What’s been your favourite day of this year so far? 
When my son told me he had passed all his tests in school! (laughs)

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