Kindred Spirit


Community Manager



Recycle Boutique


Perk by Kate






Claus Porto


Curious Creatures

Edoria is such a beautiful name! Is there a meaning behind it?
Thank you! For me, what makes my name special is that it’s very close to the names of my sisters—Edrina and Edania—whom I’m very close to. I wish there was a cool meaning behind our names, but our dad won’t reveal how or why he chose them. It’s his little secret (laughs).

Share with us your experience being the eldest of three siblings.
I have a good relationship with my sisters, but as the eldest, it’s challenging to have to step up and deliver hard truths sometimes.

As we’ve gotten older, we’ve started to understand that the three of us are very different people, with different personalities and interests. I think we’ve gone through a beautiful process of fighting a lot when we were younger, as siblings do, to now meeting each other where we’re at.

What exactly do you do as a Community Manager?
I’m a Community Manager at Launchpad, a platform and community for entrepreneurs. We help both seasoned and new entrepreneurs pick up relevant skills and provide networking opportunities, to grow and take the next step in their businesses.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
I love making connections and helping others do the same! Entrepreneurship can be a very lonely journey, so I think it’s powerful to be able to find authentic and like-minded people to learn from, or even just to have a chat with.

How has this job influenced the way you make connections in your personal life?
Because I’m surrounded by entrepreneurs all the time, many of them in industries surrounding mental wellbeing and growth mindset, I’m forced to reconsider how I think about and interact with family and friends. I think I’ve definitely become more conscious when I speak to them.

Tell us one thing that made you smile recently.
I was at Boutique Fairs Singapore’s VIP night to support some of our entrepreneurs boothing there, and bumped into an ex-colleague and friend. I haven’t seen her for two years, so it was really lovely to catch up.

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