Light And Bright


Financial Advisor



Love, Bonito


Love, Bonito




Calvin Klein



I work as a financial advisor, but I used to be a fashion designer.
I designed for local designers and also started up my own label, but quit in 2008 during the global financial crisis. After that, I decided to further my education and pursued a business course, and after trying out different jobs, I met my current boss, which led to where I am now.

Are there lessons you’ve learned from your career in fashion that apply to your work now?
There are! My current clientele consists of many creatives, and quite a few of them aren’t financially savvy, much like I was back then. A lot of our materials are usually packed with jargon and can be very dry, and my prior experience has helped me to break the information down and present it in a way that they can understand. Besides that, my experience in meeting clients and pitching has helped me be a better communicator.

You also read quite a lot—what’s a book that you’d recommend to others?
My reading habits have changed quite a bit over the years, but I’d recommend any of Milan Kundera’s books. I used to read more literature and classics when I was younger, but of late I’ve been reading more about the teachings and philosophy behind yoga.

If there was a song that played every time you walked into a room, what would it be?
It’d be Sunflower by Post Malone. I’ve been listening to a lot of his music a lot recently; I like his voice and I think it’s quite a contrast from his appearance.

We celebrated Chinese New Year back in February—what’s one dish you enjoyed the most?
Pen cai, which is a traditional stew that contains seafood and ingredients which have auspicious meanings.

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