Little Things



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What’s something that you’ve learnt to be grateful for this year?
My existing friendships and the potential for new discoveries through my friends, be it about them as individuals or about something else.

If you could choose to live in a movie, which one would you choose and why?
Being able to wear a cheongsam every day and look good in it like Maggie Cheung in Wong Kar Wai’s In The Mood For Love would be nice (laughs).

Is there a personal ritual that you like to follow/practice? Tell us a little more!
Every morning, I like to have a breakfast of Nescafé with fresh milk, and yogurt with some granola. It’s the only time of the day that I let myself drink coffee and I don’t have to stress over deciding what to eat—this routine is not dependent on anyone else so I won’t have to deal with surprises first thing in the morning. Plus it’s delicious to me! It brings me peace before I start my workday.

What’s the most thoughtful compliment you’ve ever received?
Feedback from a client that I am well-structured in my approach, detail-oriented, and always looking to optimise processes. I’ve always felt like I cared too much about the small things, so it was nice to be appreciated and recognised for those same qualities.

If you could change just one thing about the society we live in, what would it be? 
I’d like to see more curiosity towards people outside of our own circles. I feel like that might naturally encourage awareness, compassion, and inclusivity towards people different from us.

Your favourite place in Singapore, apart from your home is:
My grandma’s place. Apart from the breeze and its lovely view of sunsets, it is one of the few things which have stayed constant since my childhood. I always feel at ease and comforted when visiting.

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