Outside The Lines












Tell us about yourself.
My name is Stef. I’m a final-year university student and a freelance artist, 24 years old this year, and a Pisces.

We heard you run an art page of your own! When did you start, and how would you describe your art style?
I started it, I think during the circuit breaker back in 2020? I was pretty bored at home so I thought, why not start an art page?

My art style is very pink, very vibrant–a lot of my audience consists of girls and gays; rarely any straight guys (laughs). I usually like to draw anime and cartoons, like Death Note and Monster High. Kind of cute and gothic at the same time.

Would you want to go into art full time after university?
Realistically, I don’t want to be a starving artist in Singapore, you know? But I think there’s a way to pursue art while also being able to earn a living, which is to do art on the side while pursuing a “realistic career”.

You can still work closely with art which is what I’m trying to do. My dream is to work in the museum industry. I’d also like to eventually pursue a Masters in Art History, but only after I make some money first.

Do you have a particular gallery or museum you’d like to work at?
Maybe Singapore Art Museum (SAM). I really like all their exhibitions and they’re a huge part of Singapore Art Week, which I attend religiously every year, so that’s something I’d like to work closely with.

What do you think is next for you as an artist?
My long-term goal is to publish a comic. These days, it’s very easy to publish your own comic online, through apps like Webtoons. You don’t really need a traditional art school background to be a publisher of your own comic. So, in the future, once I have a well-thought out narrative and everything, I’d like to publish my own comic.

Do you have a story in mind?
A little bit, but I’m still working on it, so I’d rather not reveal anything for now!

Outside of art, what else are you interested in?
I like fashion a lot, so I like thrifting and shopping. I also like to go to raves and techno music events.

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