Passing It On



Thomas Wee













Tell us what you do for work!
I manage and support over 80 local brands at Design Orchard by developing strategic partnerships, coordinating collaborations, and ensuring successful project outcomes. I also promote design initiatives and events that highlight the best local talents, and integrate them into Design Orchard’s initiatives.

I feel very fulfilled knowing that my work is crucial in driving growth, enhancing visibility, and strengthening Singapore’s design community through fostering meaningful connections and supporting local creativity.

What part of your job do you enjoy the most?
I love engaging with founders to learn their brand stories and working closely with them to bring these narratives to diverse audiences. My goal with the team is to collaborate effectively, helping brands reach new demographics and elevate their impact through various innovative partnerships.

By leveraging initiatives from Design Orchard and the Singapore Fashion Council, I strive to challenge and inspire brands, pushing them to new levels of success and creativity.

Outside of work, how do you spend your weekends?
Weekends are a cherished time for me, as I love spending them with my family. I enjoy taking them out for special outings and creating memories together. Cooking is also a passion of mine, and I make it a priority to prepare dinner for my family whenever I can as it brings me joy to share delicious meals and quality time with the ones I love.

As a dad, tell us about some recent milestones that your children have reached.
Every milestone in our children’s lives is a special moment for both my wife and I. We are continually amazed by the words and expressions they come up with, especially with our littlest one. When they get things right, we celebrate their achievements, and when they make mistakes, we gently guide them towards the correct path.

We strive to be role models for them, hoping that they absorb the positive qualities we demonstrate. Of course, no one is perfect, so we believe in the importance of learning and growing together as a family.

If there’s one thing you’d like your children to remember as they grow up, what would it be?
To my children: I want you to know that I’m always here for you, from the moment you wake up until the time you go to bed. My goal is to encourage and guide you through life’s challenges, showing you that while nothing comes easily, hard work and perseverance are key. I hope my journey and the effort I’ve put into getting to where I am today can inspire you to work towards your own dreams and understand the value of dedication.

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