Progress Not Perfection





Michael Kors


Michael Kors

Name someone who inspired you.
My mum. She’s my role model in life and she’s gone through so much to help me. She’s someone who’s very sacrificial in everything that she does.

Tell us about the best decision you’ve ever made.
Recently, I decided to pursue my passion and become a yoga teacher. I quit my job not too long ago to have a short break and pursue my yoga teacher training. I really wanted to do it before I got older and have more responsibilities. I’m now back in the workforce but at least I took a leap of faith to do something I’ve always wanted to do—a 200 hour yoga teacher training course. I would love to share my practice of yoga in the future.

If I had a million dollars…
I’d probably travel around the world and teach yoga. I just finished my training and I don’t really have opportunities to teach. If I had the luxury to go overseas and meet people, I’d go around to teach, even to developing countries, as it’s a great practice. However, not many people can afford to do so as it’s expensive.

Tell us about the most memorable trip you’ve been on.
I think it’ll be to India, Mumbai. I’m currently doing marketing and branding for ASEAN countries, so I went on home visits to understand consumers better. I thought it was a really eye-opening experience because we’re really very privileged to be living in Singapore. During my time in India, we got to see how people live and how they save money just to buy a bar of soap. A bar of soap may not mean much to one, but someone else might have had to save up so much just to buy one.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
It’s to always seek progress, not perfection. Perfection is always hard to achieve and everyone is on their own journey and in a different stage, so progress is what’s most important. You’re learning every day. Even in my yoga practice and everyday life, it’s all about progress.

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