Up And On


Financial Services Manager



Love, Bonito


Love, Bonito




Yves Saint Laurent



Why did you choose this career?
I wanted to step outside of my comfort zone to grow as a person. It’s not an industry a lot of my friends expected me to get into because I’m introverted. But I chose to put myself in a challenging environment; I told myself that if I stay comfortable, I won’t grow. 

What is something you enjoy about your work?
I get to mentor our new advisors and be part of their journey. They join the company with big hopes and dreams, and I’m very grateful to be able to help them grow in their career. 

You’ve been at your job for 10 years. What have you learnt during this time?
I really see the value of financial planning and how it benefits our clients. It’s an opportunity to do good work in people’s lives, and how you approach clients really matter. Personally, I focus on planning for their financial goals. Sales is just a byproduct of what I do.

Is there something you are saving for?
A 2-room condo for me to have my own space. I like looking at interior designs and envisioning what my dream home will look like.

What are you grateful for during this time?
Living with my parents. I’m able to spend quality time with them as everyone is at home more these days. They’d wait for me to finish work before having dinner together. 

You mentioned you mentor now. Is there something you would like to tell yourself 10 years ago?
Work harder at growing yourself. I thought I had a lot of time when I first started but time passes by so quickly. It’s all about developing ourselves not just professionally, but personally too. And the faster we get there, the better, right? 

What is one advice you remember from your own mentor?
“What’s so great about yourself that you don’t need to change?” I realise you can always be a better version of yourself. You’re still yourself, just better.

How would you describe your own personal style?
It depends on the client, but usually smart casual at work. And comfort at home. I’ve always followed blogshops. Are they still called blogshops (laughs)?

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