Natural Form






What’s a typical look for you when you’re not working?
It’s a bit trashy. This is something I wear a lot, and leggings or just normal pants. I like to wear something with motifs, and also I have a lot of sweaters from my grandma from the ‘80s, so they’re very pink, with flowers and a bit kitsch. My style is like my work—playful and a bit punk.

The last thing I read that really inspired me:
#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso, the founder of the American clothing store Nasty Gal. It was just about being honest with yourself about who you are, what you like and don’t like, and also about empowering yourself. What I liked is that her book gave me courage to take on a few adventures that maybe I wouldn’t have.

If you could time travel, which moment would you like to visit?
I think I would like to see the future. I’d want to see how humanity turns out, about a hundred years from now. I’m sure I’m not going to make it till then so I’m curious!

What are you watching right now?
I really like The Deuce. It’s based on the porn industry in New York in the ’70’s and ’80’s. Of course, it’s all fiction—you can’t make a series about porn without showing porn—but it emphasises more on the position of women and how violent the industry can be towards them. I think prostitution is a complicated subject, but what we can all agree on is that the way women are treated is just a total no-go. And in the series I think it makes men more sensitive to how brutal they can be towards women, even when they don’t know it.

If you could tell your younger self anything, what would you say?
Move on when people hurt you, and don’t try to fix them.

Maya is one of the artists exhibiting for DISINI at Gillman Barracks.

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