




Hana Tajima X Uniqlo


House of Bella Nasir




Hot Wind

You’re part of The Codette Project: tell us more about it!
The Codette Project is a non-profit organisation that aims to empower minority-Muslim women with the skills and knowledge to enter the tech industry. Through our free workshops/panels/events, we hope to create a safe space for minority-Muslim women to cultivate an interest in tech and be exposed to opportunities in the industry. 

I attended a design-thinking hackathon in 2018 where we had to pick a problem statement and organisation to work with. I decided to work with The Codette Project because I felt that their cause resonated greatly with me, and was something I could relate to as a minority-Muslim woman myself. I felt really welcomed by the team and they exuded such positive energy that I decided almost immediately that I would commit as a regular volunteer.

You’re quite an avid traveller. Share with us some of your favourite holiday destinations.
My top two favourite destinations of all time are Iran and Iceland—two vastly different places but very beautiful in their own ways. Iceland because of its raw natural landscapes that look so surreal, and Iran because of how rich its culture is. Iranians are also very friendly and fascinated by tourists so it’s not uncommon for them to walk up to you randomly and ask for a photo. I’m hoping to head to Fukuoka next.

If you could change something within society, what would it be?
Specific to Singapore’s context, I would want to change people’s mindset that money is the key to happiness. I feel that if we shake off our obsession with wealth accumulation, we’ll be happier and kinder to one another. 

Where do you hope to see yourself ten years into the future?
Nothing radically different from my life now: I just hope that I continue to find fulfilment in my career and contribute meaningfully to society in some way.

Recommend us a book you’ve read recently:
The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim. Here’s a quote I liked from it: “Life is like jazz. Much of it is improvised; we cannot control all the variables. We must live it with panache and flair, regardless of what it throws at us.”

How would you describe your sense of fashion?
I think my fashion sense is, in two words, damn extra (laughs). Fun fact, I do not own shorts and slippers, and my friends make fun of me for that! I really enjoy dressing up and accessorising, so even when I choose to wear a simple outfit, I’d probably pair it with statement earrings or neon shoes. Unnecessary and extra, but that’s just my concept. 

How has your perspective on fashion has been altered during Circuit Breaker?
I used to shop a lot, but I haven’t purchased anything since the Circuit Breaker started because I’m not big on online shopping. I realised I have way too many clothes which I don’t actually use or need, and probably bought because I thought it was a steal. But now I’m more interested in supporting brands whose values align with my own, and purchasing fewer but better quality pieces.

For example, now I’m really into brands like ANNAABU which propagate sustainable fashion, and ensuring minimal harm to the environment in the process of making quality clothes that can last long.  

How was it like growing up with three other sisters?
It’s really chaotic having so many sisters but that’s the best part. We all pretty much have the same sense of humour so we’re always laughing and making a ton of noise at home. They’re the best hype (wo)men you can ever ask for because they’re so supportive, but they also know when to keep things real.

We’re still living together, so sometimes it’s really the small things that get to me—like if they borrow my things and don’t put it back, or they don’t switch off the lights/fan when they’re not in the room.

What do you feel is a common misconception people have of you?
That I’m fierce/unfriendly! I get that a lot from people who don’t know me, because I have this stony expression when I’m not talking. And probably because of the septum piercing too!

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