




Cotton On











We last spoke to you six years ago, are you still in the same line of work?
I’m still in the same company at the Marina Bay Financial Centre. The positive environment and people are what’s kept me in this job for so long.

Tell us more about your hobbies.
Well, I’m a mum of two, so most of my free time is spent with my kids. Other than that, I do a lot of yoga, and I like to meet my friends on the weekends too!

What’s the best part about being a mum?
I would say it’s a challenging job (laughs), but it’s also really rewarding, especially when I see my children happy. They have become my biggest motivation in life and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.

How has your relationship with your children changed as they grow older?
With my 14-year-old son, I find that I’m becoming less of a mum and more of a friend. He’s a teenager going through changes and craving independence, so I’m learning to find a balance between the push and the pull. Of course, when it’s time to be strict, I’m strict. But when it’s time to be flexible, I try to be adaptable to his wants and needs.

I also have a daughter who’s nine. She’s still young, so I feel like I still have parenting under control with her.

What is your favourite thing to do as a family?
Definitely travelling and experiencing new things together.

In the past year, we’ve been to Thailand, Bali, and just recently Langkawi. I try to do something different each time we travel, so on my last trip to Langkawi, we decided to rent a car and drive around without an itinerary. It was a good experience as we don’t get to do that in Singapore, and the kids had so much fun!

I’ll always remember this one evening when I was driving by the coast with the windows down, and my daughter said to me, “Mum, this is the best day of my life.” It was so picturesque with the sun setting in the background, and these words from my daughter made everything perfect. Let me tell you, I almost cried (laughs)!

How do you think you’ve changed since the last time we met you?
I’ve changed a lot actually—six years is a long time. At my age, you’ll start to think about the meaning of life and how life should be. I’m now more mature in the way I look at things, and more rational in my decision-making—all important lessons to grow as a person.

At this point in my life, I really treasure peace a lot, both for myself and for other people. I weigh situations before reacting now, especially after having gone through the pandemic.

Myca was last seen here.

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