

UX Design



Cotton On





Tell us how your nickname, Larry, came about.
The nickname was given to me by my friends and I’ve since become so comfortable with it.

I quite like that it’s pretty gender neutral and I think it’s really funny that I have the same name as Larry the Lobster from Spongebob Squarepants (laughs).

Tell us more about where you’re from and what brings you to Singapore.
I’m a German-Indonesian living in Switzerland and I’m currently on a year-long break from work to do some solo travelling around Asia. Singapore’s my second stop after visiting family in Indonesia, after which I’ll head to Ho Chi Minh and hopefully Taipei.

As a 23-year-old, I’ve been told many times not to worry too much about rushing into a career since I’m still young, so I decided to heed this advice and put a pause on work for a bit.

Share with us how you got into UX design.
I actually studied graphic design, but made the jump to UX because there were better job opportunities, and, of course, better salary (laughs). In my current company, I’m able to work remotely, which works well for me as an introvert that loves to travel.

What do you enjoy most about your time in Singapore?
I really enjoy the architecture and the food, which is amazing! I love spicy food but it’s not as common back in Switzerland.

I also went on a date with someone I met at the club, Headquarters, over the weekend—I was really excited to go get some food and bubble tea!

What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of work?
I love to paint, mostly people and a bit of abstract stuff. I primarily work with gouache; I like oil painting too, but I do it less often because it’s a more expensive medium.

I’m also really into industrial techno music. I picked up mixing two years ago and enjoy checking out the techno scene in different countries.

As a creative, what does beauty mean to you?
Authenticity—being true to oneself—is the most beautiful thing.

What is your favourite spot in your home.
The balcony! I live in the middle of the city in Zurich, so I love sitting out there, drinking with friends and people watching.

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