For Forever


Writer Florist





Things Pleatsssi


Dr. Martens




Closet Children







Ball & Chain

You recently took the leap to become a freelance florist. What spurred the career change and why now?
Hmm, I think it was just this unscratched itch in my heart. I actually wanted to go into floristry fresh out of university in 2020, but ended up sticking with what I knew and did best (which is writing) since I had no experience whatsoever, and left floristry as a hobby for the weekends.

Anyway, fast forward a few years, I thought it’d be a good time to dive into it a bit more seriously since I was starting to get a bit restless from staring at the computer all day. A friend of mine also approached me to do flowers for her wedding, so I took this opportunity as a sign from God to take the plunge.

What are your favourite flowers to work with?
Definitely ones with a ton of textures or curly shapes. Amaranthus, curly gerberas, gloriosas, and curly alliums are some of my favourites!

What are you most excited about now that your wedding day is fast approaching?
A lot of things actually! I’m looking forward to having my closest friends meet each other, seeing more of my friends who have moved overseas again, eating drinking, dressing up, and just getting married for real (laughs). I’ve been with my fiancé, Ian, for close to 10 years now, so it feels really surreal to start calling him my husband!

It’ll also be extra special for us both because we’ve gotten the help of some of our friends in piecing this wedding together—our wedding cake, my nails, accessories, hair, and makeup will all be done by friends.

Tell us about your funniest memory with Ian.
Wow, where do I begin… (laughs) Honestly, as cheesy as it sounds, there are rarely any dull moments with Ian because he always tries his best to make me laugh, and also because he’s the most unserious person I know.

You’re also moving into your own apartment soon. What will your home interior look like?
Well, if you know me, you’ll know that I’m quite the maximalist, so I’d say lots of bold colours (I want a bright orange or electric blue front door), mismatched tableware, and lots of lamps for that mood lighting. Ian’s a lighting designer, so I’ll let him handle all of that.

That said, BTOs these days are so tiny, so we’re mindful of keeping our home neat and spacious, especially since we’re planning on adopting a cat when we move in. So it’s all about getting quality statement pieces I suppose!

When you think about your future, what colour comes to mind?
Cool blues and greens. I’m a very sentimental person and am almost always living in the past in my mind, which I see in a warm pink-purple hue, so maybe the future is cool-toned because I don’t think about it as much, or it isn’t as tangible to me.

That said, I’m actively trying to be more present these days, which is hard because my mind naturally wanders to the past, but hey, small steps!

Kim was previously seen here and here.

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