From Within


Property Agent







Chiang Mai




Fu Lu Shou



What influenced your decision to become a Property Agent?
Can I be honest? The truth is that my dad fell sick a couple of years ago, so as his only child, I needed a flexible job to provide him with the support he needed.

At the same time, I guess life has its own plans, because I discovered that this lifestyle was more suitable for me as compared to a 9 to 5 job. Otherwise I wouldn’t be taking a walk casually on a Friday morning (laughs).

If you could go down another career path, what would it be?
I think my purpose and calling is to be a coach or teacher, to guide people towards their wishes in life. Even my Bazi (Four Pillars of Destiny) chart says that I will become a teacher (laughs).

Is that something you’re working towards?
I’m currently an understudy under a spiritual teacher, so I’ll be conducting meditation and spiritual classes by the end of the year! It’s been a journey of self-growth and confidence-building. At the end of the day, I just want to empower, guide, and support others and make the world a better place.

How do you like to spend your free time?
I do oracle (similar to tarot) card readings on the side. I open a little booth at Katong Square’s vintage flea market, The Retro Factory, every month where I do readings for people about their lives.

Other than that, I’ve mostly been travelling lately. I’ve already visited Chiang Mai, Hong Kong, and Japan this year!

What’s your favourite place to visit?
I feel that every location has its beauty and I’m always very mesmerised by the different culture and uniqueness of each place—the people’s way of life, beliefs, and living methods.

That said, I especially love Chiang Mai! I’m actually contemplating retiring there because things are cheap, the pace is slower, there is a lot of art, and the space is very nurturing.

This is just my two cents, but I feel that the environment in Singapore doesn’t permit people to be their authentic selves. After doing so many readings, I’ve met many locals who are very intuitive and sensitive but are disconnected from that side of themselves due to being caught in the fast currents of our society. Whereas in Chiang Mai, people just seem to be allowed to live their true essence. And since I don’t need a lot in life other than my basic needs, I think it’s the perfect place for me.

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