His Own Beat



Coming from a Peranakan and Cantonese background and deeply rooted in traditions of food and family, Joachim loves to cook, and his weekends are often spent in a hunt for new cafés to eat at, or by cooking dinners for friends and family. Joachim currently works in PR, and is lucky that his company deals with food and lifestyle. His time at work has taught him a few lessons, even if it means doing things differently: “Always be smart about doing things. There is no single method of fulfilling a task. Of course, there are standards, but if things can be more productive, and if you feel that it is better for the team or company, be brave to suggest it.” Joachim currently has a penchant for Korean designers and brands for their well-fitted cuts, and pays careful attention to his outfits, usually finishing them off with a personal touch in the form of a quirky pin or badge, or a pair of colourful socks. He is a man of many interests, beyond food and fashion — exercise is a big part of his life, as is music, so perhaps it’s not strange that one of his secret indulges is a bit of self-taught dance. “I occasionally take long walks and plug into dance music to dance my way home, often taking detours just so that I can finish dancing to a song,” he says. “But because I’m sometimes embarrassed by passers-by looking at me, I’d immediately stop and walk normally if I think someone has spotted me dancing.”
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