













Tell us something interesting about yourself.

Trust me, my life is pretty boring, but I was born in Delhi, moved to London for my Masters, worked there for about a year or so, went back to Bangalore for the last two years, and my company posted me here for an assignment. This is my third month in Singapore, so I’m pretty new!

Best decision ever:

I actually left my job in a startup a year back, and I got retained by my boss. He gave me this new independent role—I don’t work for or with anyone, and just report to the CEO of the company. I actually got another job offer from Ogilvy & Mathers, which is a big organization, and a good company to work with, but I didn’t go for that and I ended up staying with this startup company. It’s been working out well for me, so that would be the best decision I’ve made in a very long time.

What would be a staple in your wardrobe?

Lots of black, and my favourites are my sneakers; I love them. I had a meeting today, that’s why I’m this formally dressed. Mostly, even if I’m wearing trousers, I’d be wearing sneakers. I tried this brand recently, called Hummel—white sneakers, really good stuff.

Name someone who’s inspired you:

My father—I am his reflection. He’s an inspiration to not just me, but society and everyone who ever met him. He was the most generous, kind-hearted, honest, loving, and giving soul that ever existed on this planet. He always worked to make others happy, whether it was us or his relatives or friends. He saw many ups and downs in life but his grandeur, King-sized attitude, and smile were always there. I lost my Papa three years back. I will never be okay with that; life will never be the same, but it’s his teachings, love, and memories that help me and my entire family to sail through life. He worked hard to create this family and it’s my duty to make sure we maintain and take his legacy forward.

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