Prime Time


Illustrator Visual Artist



Modest Minerals




Beyond The Vines


Shop at Velvet





What’s new in your life since the last time we spoke?
A lot has changed since then, mainly in my career.

When I was last featured, I was working a typical 9 to 5 job at a huge company, but I was laid off along with many others. It was a turning point for me. Of course, I did panic at first, but I focused on the positives and decided to become a full-time illustrator and artist—something I’ve always wanted to pursue.

That’s what I’m in the process of figuring out now. Obviously it hasn’t been easy because of the unstable income, but I’m trying my best to go with the flow and see where this takes me. Having a great support system really helps too. It really makes a difference having just a few people believing in you and cheering you on.

What’s the biggest thing you’ve learnt since becoming a freelancer?
While I’m capable of solving problems on my own, I’ve learnt that it’s also okay to ask for help. I used to struggle with voicing out my concerns to others as I didn’t want to be seen as weak, but I got over that eventually. Now I look for help whenever I need it.

Any dream projects or collaborations you have in mind?
It’s not a new idea or anything but I’d love to collaborate with artists in the minority community and people from different walks of life. I think it’ll be cool to start a project where everyone can get involved together!

Now that you’re self-employed, how do you set boundaries between work and life?
I still make sure to keep within the same work hours everyday. Some days when I have lots of projects, I’ll have to work late into the night, but I’ll always set aside time to rest.

I think having clear boundaries is important as it really helps me stay focused at work and prevent burnouts. I’ve experienced it a couple of times during my career; I don’t want it to happen again, it’s not fun at all!

What are some ways you like to spend your free time?
I like taking long walks around the neighbourhood. It’s my time alone away from my phone when I can listen to music and clear my mind. I live in Little India and sometimes I end up walking all the way to Kallang or MBS—it sounds pretty far but it’s doable (laughs).

I also like to surround myself with my loved ones and host dinner parties with my friends. I’d usually make my signature dishes like Focaccia bread and Shakshuka.

If you could give a piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid to start. Just do it and don’t worry too much about the future because you’ll figure it out in the end.

Hafi was previously seen here and here.

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