Browsing “COS”
That Magic Touch
Ebina /"I’ve never regretted any decision made so I think all my decisions were right? At least I hope they were!" -
Something’s Brewing
Ariel /"I’m a ‘big picture’ kind of person, not someone who goes into the details of dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s." -
Andrea /Andrea’s colourful look belies the fact that she’s a banking apprentice, and has already been working for a year. -
Free Spirit
Kay Lam /“My dream job is to work for National Geographic as a photographer or planner for their expeditions.” -
Fact Or Fiction
Lynsey /When Lynsey isn't off exploring Singapore, she loves to settling down with a good book in hand. Her favourite type? “Fiction, always fiction.” -
That Certain Something
Grace Leong /If Grace could do anything she wanted right now, she’d be an art collector, and doing little things that matter. “Like being at home, and teaching Dad how to email.” -
Taking Cover
Asri /Asri wouldn’t be caught dead without outerwear, even though he admits that it can be a bit ridiculous for Singapore’s climate. -
Wei Choong /Although he now works for a magazine, Wei Choong first dabbled in the fashion industry as a designer.