“Children don’t have limitations or boundaries; it's adults who set them. I believe children have enough sense to solve conflict and collaborate creatively, which is something we don’t give them enough credit for.”
“As a kid, I was fearful of others’ expectations of me, and their judgement. Looking back, I wish I’d pursued my dreams instead of worrying about my future.”
“Venturing out of your comfort zone is important for growth, even if it’s something as simple as changing up your circle of friends, because it allows you to redefine and rethink who you are.”
“A close friend of mine once texted to say that she was there for me—that came at a time when I really needed the encouragement, and it was touching to know that people know and care.”
“If I could change one thing about my past, I probably should have continued playing basketball in my teenage years—I might’ve grown taller if I’d stuck with it!”
“I used to be very reserved and quiet back in secondary school, but even though I made a conscious effort to speak up and interact with others more, I still very much identify as an introvert.”
“My son is two and a half years old and very expressive—the most amusing thing he’s done was to give me a box and say, “Mummy, this is your prize.” I opened it up and there was nothing inside!”